Rome, 26 June: The Cologni Foundation for the Métiers d'Art received an important award from Confartigianato, bestowed during the latter's yearly assembly. Called the Premio Giano, the prize is inspired by the ancient Roman god Janus who is depicted as having two faces, one that looks to the past and one that looks to the future. Confartigianato instituted the award in 2010, adopting Janus as a symbol of the strength animating entrepreneurial artisans, whose capacities are especially appreciated during this difficult economic period. The Premio Giano is bestowed annually on persons, organisations or institutions that have contributed to the promotion and appreciation of small businesses founded on the value of craftsmanship. This year, Confartigianato renders homage to the Cologni Foundation for its unstinted 23-year endorsement and furtherance of Italy's artistic artisanate.