April 27th 2015
Teatro alla Scala, Milan

On Monday, April 27th 2015 has been presented, in the elegant location of the Ridotto dei Palchi Arturo Toscanini at the Teatro alla Scala, the new book of the "Mestieri d'Arte" series: Il Bel Mestiere. Artigiani e maestranze nel teatro d'opera.

Clizia Gurrado with photos of Laila Pozzo, is an original tribute to the master craftsmen who, day by day, construct the success of Italian opera houses with unparalleled skill and passion.

The presentation, together with the authors, has been attended by Alexander Pereira, Superintendent and Artistic Director of the Teatro alla Scala; Franco Cologni, President of the Cologni Foundation; Filippo Del Corno, Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan; Franca Squarciapino, Costume Designer winner of the Oscar Award; Franco Malgrande, Director of the stage design of the Teatro alla Scala; Nadia Nigris, deputy Director Accademia Teatro alla Scala.
The round table was moderated by Alberto Mattioli, journalist of La Stampa.